
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

An Open Letter to #nebedu

To those of you who use the #nebedu hashtag, I wanted to take a minute to say thanks. Last May, I put a blog post out begging for you to come forward and share all of the great things that you were doing in your schools. Other states had done it...Why not Nebraska? In talking with you at conferences like NETA, I knew many of you had great experiences to share and you knew others that had great experiences to share. In a little more than 6 months, #nebedu, along with #nebedchat (Wednesday nights at 8pm*, hat tip to lead instigator Chris Stogdill), are true testaments to the great educators across the state. In talking with my good friend Kristina last month, we were discussing our strengths and specialties as it relates to professional development. I couldn't really think of what mine was (being involved K-12 will do that to you). I finally settled on, "I know the right people to ask questions of!" That is all a testament to the great sharing that you all are doing.
As with any online interactions, they are greatly enhanced when you get to meet and interact face-to-face. I encourage you to mark your calendars for EdCamp Omaha on March 23, 2013. EdCamps are education un-conferences - no fancy keynotes, no corporate driven agendas, just you, sharing with other colleagues who are passionate about all areas of education. ALL attendees have the opportunity to facilitate a discussion on what THEY are passionate about - and its all free. Yes - free, choose your own, professional development. You can find out more about EdCamps on the "What is an EdCamp?" page of our wiki. Please consider joining us.
So, as we all get ready to hop in our cars or open our doors to relatives and share in a Thanksgiving feast, I give thanks to all of you for making education in Nebraska better.

*#nebedchat is taking a break this week and will return on Nov 28th talking about homework and moderated by Jodie Morgenson.


Brandon Mowinkel said...

I'm proud to be associated with such a great group of educators! Thanks for taking the lead on #nebedu and bringing together Nebraska Educators for the betterment of our students. The past year has been a fantastic journey for me in the Twitterverse and I am blessed to have gotten to meet so many wonderfully bright, intelligent, and caring people. Thanks again for being a true leader in the state of Nebraska!

Ann Feldmann said...

Thanks for starting #nebedchat! This is a fantastic way for Nebraska Educators to collaborate and discuss educational topics. Not only does this benefit Nebraska educators, but educators around the world. Thanks for having a vision and leading the charge!

morgetron said...

Sentimental Cheesiness Warning* (Do not read this comment, if this sort of thing makes you gag):

#nebedu and #nebedchat are two of my most favorite things on the web. I am in awe of the people who gather there every day for the purpose of sharing expertise, resources, camaraderie, and support. I haven't met many of the people I see there in person, (I got to meet Laura AKA @mandery via Skype one time!) but I consider many of them friends and look forward to the day when I can meet them in person ... However, even if I don't meet them in person, that doesn't change the value of the friendship, in my opinion. Thanks for heading up #nebedu, Josh. And thanks to Chris and Cynthia for spearheading #nebedchat.

*All sentimentality and cheesiness contained within this comment is completely sincere.

Jim Homan said...

Power! The power of making connections and sharing is inspirational. (Are we power rangers? ;)Thanks Josh for facilitating this process for Nebraskan educators. We are all better for it.

I look forward what happens next.