
Monday, July 21, 2008

Tips and Tricks for the SMART Board

As you can see, the Fridge has definitely been enjoying the summer, hence the lack of posting since NECC. While the review will come at a later time when I can better concentrate (the home office isn't exactly work friendly with a 5 month old baby), I did find a presentation that I think you will like.
You really can never know too much about a SMART Board, or any other IWB. While doing some research for an upcoming presentation, I found this great Google Doc entitled 37 Interesting Ways (and Tips) to use your IWB. Some of the tips are so simple that you'll kick yourself for not thinking of them yourself! For example, #2 talks about putting a crayon in the pen tray and using the pen as a mouse. Now, putting something in the pen tray didn't surprise me, but I hadn't thought of trying the pen as a mouse for some students. #20 also gives you a list of shortcuts for SMART Notebook. While shortcuts don't always help me at the Board (because I don't normally have the keyboard up), they are items that I should use more during the creation process.
While the Doc isn't always "formatically" correct and some of the ideas overlap, I do think this is something that everyone should flip through. It's short enough that even if you only come up with 2 or 3 ideas, it's worth it.

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